Nick Environmental Services



Asbestos Investigation Report (AIR)

Further to the claims raised globally regarding asbestos presence onboard and incomplete IHM surveys, Nick Environmental Services BV is proud to introduce the Asbestos Investigation Report (AIR) to assist our clients with claims regarding health and safety together with environmental awareness.

Having experienced the problems organisations are facing with poor quality IHM reports, the AIR is becoming a powerful tool for claims but also for the actual condition of the assets (vessels or other offshore structures) in terms of asbestos presence.

Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

Discovery of cables which are damaged or of deteriorating condition has led Nick Environmental Services BV in performing detailed Root Cause Analysis (RCA) for assets worldwide.

Cables which either during manufacturing or installation have been found to fail in OTDR testing or experiencing hotspots at specific locations with high temperatures, have led Nick Environmental Services BV in performing detailed RCA from the manufacturing plant until the installation of the cables to find the root cause of these occurrences.

Another powerful tool in our capabilities and unique expertise to serve the industry needs for cable quality reports and lifetime condition monitoring.